Free Blogging Course: Blogging Tutorial for Beginners


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Free Blogging Course Blogging Tutorial for Beginners

This free blogging course is a great blogging tutorial for beginners, and advanced bloggers. Join this blogging bootcamp today and grow your blog.

If you are looking for a free blogging course, you’ve come to the right place. Trying out a free course can be a great way to see if you like what the course creator has to offer.

I’ve purchased many courses, only to be disappointed after the fact. Now I try to make sure I know what is truly being offered, before I purchase a course.

This post covers four free bootcamps from one of my favorite blogging teachers.

Paul Scrivens from Dare to Conquer

Paul Scrivens (aka Scrivs) is a full-time blogger who runs several blogs in various niches. He runs these sites as tests for himself, and for his students. He learns what works and what doesn’t. More importantly, he learns what works and what doesn’t for different niches.

What I mean by that is he tests his theories on more than one niche. Not all professional bloggers do that. I believe this puts Scrivs in a position to offer more authentic and accurate information.

If something works for one niche, it may or may not work for YOUR niche. However, if Scrivs has tried something successfully on several of his different niche blogs; there is a good chance it will work for you too.

Scrivs offers a membership to his all encompassing blogging program that I cover in more detail here.

However, he also offers four, extremely valuable, FREE bootcamps that can definitely help you with your blog and business.

Blogging Bootcamp

New to blogging and need some help? There is so much to learn. This free 12 day blogging bootcamp is a crash course in what it takes to build a successful blog. For more information, click here.

Pinterest Bootcamp

Want to get more traffic to your blog with Pinterest? You can! This free 5 day Pinterest bootcamp will help you with your Pinterest game. Get more details here.

SEO Bootcamp

Need to learn the ins and outs of SEO? Learn how to optimize your posts to increase blog traffic. This free 5 day SEO bootcamp will get you started on search engine optimization. Learn SEO today.

Affiliate Marketing Bootcamp

Want to make money with your blog? Who doesn’t? This free 5 day affiliate marketing bootcamp will show you how to make money with affiliate marketing. Join now to get started.

Why You Should Try a Free Blogging Course

Blogging Bootcamp

As I mentioned above, trying a free course is a great way to learn if that blogger, and course, is a good fit for you. If you don’t like it, you’ve only lost a little bit of time.

Taking a Test Drive

We all have different tastes, temperaments, backgrounds and styles. What works for one blogger might not work for another.

Think of it this way: trying out a free blogging course is like test driving a new car. If you don’t like it, you don’t buy it.

What I personally love about Scrivs is that he has a very honest, no nonsense, way of writing and speaking. He gets to the point in a way that works for me.


There is that old saying that you have to spend money to make money. To some extent, this is absolutely true. You should put money into your blog, and business, to grow it. BUT only if you have the money.

If you don’t have the money to pay for Scrivs membership site, then you absolutely should take advantage of his free blogging bootcamps. They are FREE. You have nothing to lose.

Learn What’s Missing

Taking a free blogging course might help you to figure out what is missing from your blogging strategy. Maybe you are stuck on growing your traffic. Or maybe you aren’t making enough money. Do you know why?

Taking a free course might help you to figure out what you need work on, at no cost to you.

Blogging Course Conclusion

There are so many courses out there, that it is hard to keep track of them all. Some are free, some are relatively inexpensive, and some come with a hefty price tag.

What I love about Scrivs, and Dare to Conquer, is that his paid course is a lifetime membership to all things blogging. The free blogging bootcamps, mentioned above, are just the tip of the iceberg. He has so much more juicy information to offer and share.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this post. If you sign up for one of the free blogging bootcamps, let me know! Feel free to contact me, or comment below. I’d love to hear what you think.