Creative Blog Names Examples + Cool Blog Names
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Looking for creative blog names examples and cool blog names? This post includes a list of catchy blog names + blog naming tips. You’ll also learn how to come up with your own creative blog name, as well as how to figure out if your inspirational blog name is available.

Why You Should Choose a Creative Blog Name
If you are thinking about starting a blog, you’ve likely researched a variety of blog names. You probably even landed on this post in your search for unique and creative blog name examples.
Why a creative blog name?
Your blog name is the first piece of information that identifies you, your blog, and your brand. When someone types your blog name into their computer; that’s their first impression of you, your blog, and your business.
Think about the businesses you love and support. What are their business names, blog names, products, and why do you love them? There’s a good chance the company you are thinking about spent a long time deciding on a name, and creating a brand, to represent themselves and their product.
For more information on branding, see my post: How to Build a Successful Brand.
Keep in mind that your blog name is usually in your URL (web address/domain name), and it’s displayed prominently at the top of your blog. You want your name to stand out, and you want readers to remember you. A powerful name, and awesome content, will keep readers coming back to your blog. This means you need to find the perfect blog name for you.
How to Come Up with Personal Blog Names
There are several steps involved in coming up with the perfect blog name. The first step is to make sure your name resonates with you. If you don’t love your blog name, you may regret it later. The next steps are optional. However, they will help you to fine tune your personal blog name ideas.
The Best Blog Names Are:
- Unique
- Short and Simple
- Niche Related
- Audience Focused
- Catchy
- Brand Consistent
Following are some tips to help you come up with a list of creative names for your blog.
Creative Blog Names are Unique
If you want your blog to stand out, choose a unique name. This means a name that is one of a kind.
Think about your niche, what you plan to blog about, and what words best represent you and your brand. Are you funny or serious? Is your topic a professional one – like medical or legal information? Or a bit more casual like beauty or travel tips. Brainstorm and create a list of all of the words that appeal to you, and represent your niche. Combine words to see what works, and what doesn’t.
Have a favorite word or phrase that’s already being used? Think about utilizing common words, but in a different language. Or look about a synonym for your favorite word. Just make sure it fits in with your brand.
The Best Blog Names are Short and Simple
The best blog names are short, simple, easy to read, and easy to type.
Have you ever struggled with typing in a blog name because it was too long? Yeah, me too. If your name is difficult to read, or difficult to type, you will lose visitors. Long words, stop words, uncommon words; they are all a recipe for disaster.
Type out all of your blog name ideas. How do they look without spaces? That’s what it will look like in your URL (web address).
For example, I thought a blog titled Just in Case would be a pretty clever blog name. However, when you type it out as all one word you get: justincase – which basically translates to the name Justin Case. So if your name happens to be “Justin Case” you could have a lot of fun with this URL and blog name.
Other thoughts: is your name easy to say and easy to spell? Be careful with tricky letters and words. If it takes too long to type, or is hard to spell, there’s a good chance you’ll lose readers and traffic.
Keep in mind that you can absolutely have a unique and creative blog name. Just keep it short and simple.
Keep Your Blog Niche or Topic in Mind
Having a niche, or topic specific, blog name will go a long way to getting you noticed right away. Your niche is what your blog is about. For example, the blog ProBlogger by Darren Rowse. You can tell right away that the niche is blogging. His use of the word “pro” makes you think professional and that this website is an authority within it’s niche.
One of my first blogs was an informational food allergy blog. I have a son with multiple life threatening food allergies and did a lot of research to find safe foods and recipes for him. At the time, mass produced allergy free products were hard to come by, and food allergy information was scarce. Therefore, I decided to compile all of the information I had accumulated into a blog. I called it Best Allergy Sites, and it served as a resource on where to find allergy friendly foods. The site grew quickly, and did well, because it was a niche that filled a need. Also my domain name, blog name, and brand were consistent. I eventually sold the blog to another food allergy mom. I was able to do this, in part, because I chose a niche blog name that had value.
The above examples are just two ideas of how your niche can play a role in your blog name. Here are some examples of niche specific words you can use in your own creative blog name. Consider combining words to come up with your own cool blog name. Again, consider synonyms (different words with the same meaning) of words you like.
Food blog name ideas: appetite, hungry, bite, grub, chow, nourishment, eats, feed, nutrition, slice.
Lifestyle blog name ideas: living, delight, beautiful, confidential, social, hope, celebrations, love.
Photography blog name ideas: shoot, pixels, digital, picture, image, vignette, snapshot.
Beauty and makeup blog name ideas: allure, style, grace, blush, powder, foundation.
Fashion blog name ideas: pattern, trend, chic, vogue, rage, style, swank, modern.
Travel blog name ideas: wanderlust, drift, explore, adventure, journey, voyage, pilgrimage, trek, tour.
DIY blog name ideas: handmade, maker, builder, creator, design, assemble, construct.
Crafting blog name ideas: make, create, clever, knack, purl, stitch, shape, whip, mold.
Money and finance blog name ideas: cash, dough, loot, money, investment, fortune, bargain.
Health and fitness blog name ideas: energy, shape, vigor, prime, bloom, stamina, healthy.
See my post Niche Website Ideas for more information on niche blogging.
You certainly can have a distinct name, that doesn’t indicate what your niche is. However, keep in mind that people will not know what you blog about, until you are well known. Is this a bad thing? Not necessarily. I simply means that you’ll have a little bit more work to do on branding and promoting your blog.
Should I choose a creative domain name for my personal portfolio website?
This is a very personal choice. Again, people won’t know what you blog about, until you are well known. However, if YOU are your brand, it definitely makes sense to use your own name.
For example, if you are a photographer that makes money taking portrait photos, you might want your domain and blog name to be related to your own name. However, if you plan to build a photography blog with photo tips, product reviews, etc.; then you can consider a more creative blog name.
As you can see from this blog, I use my own name. This is because I am a writer, blogger, artist, and designer; and want to be known by name. This is part of my long term plan, goals, and overall brand.
Think long and hard about your choice of niche. If you think you might want to blog about several topics down the line, don’t settle on a blog name that only represents one.
Say you plan to blog about a variety of cooking styles; don’t choose Betty Baker as your blog name. Otherwise, readers might think that you only blog about baking.
Think About Your Target Audience
Try to spend some time and think long and hard about who your ideal reader is. This is called your target audience. Is your ideal reader male, female, younger, older, middle class? These questions, and answers, will help you to target not only your blog name but also your blog content.
For example, a young mom (just starting out) is likely interested in different parenting topics than an older mom with teens. (I know this because I started blogging when my boys were toddlers, and they are now well on their way to adulthood.)
If you create your own vegan recipes, you want to reach other vegans. Therefore, Tasty Recipes isn’t going to cut it. However, Tasty Vegan Recipes is going to connect you to your audience much faster.
The more you can learn about your target audience, the better offer you will be in the long run. This is especially true if you plan to make money with your blog in the future. When you keep your target audience in mind, you help to build a core group of followers who trust and value you, your content, and your blog.
Consider Using Catchy Power Words and Keywords
You have a limited number of words to use in your blog name. If you want to make them count, you might want to consider using a power word or niche specific keyword.
Power Word Blog Names
Power words are words that evoke an emotion. You get an immediate “feeling” with power words. What do you want people to feel when they hear, or type, your blog name?
Some examples of power words are: decadent, breathtaking, budget, frenzy, dark, forbidden, secret, effortless, free, brazen, exotic, stimulating, bold, enchant, brassy, optimal, and healthy.
What do you think about when you hear those words?
Healthy Food or Healthy Recipes gives more information, and makes for better food blog names, than Ray’s Recipes. Decadent Desserts or Forbidden Desserts is way more appealing, and clickable, than Just Desserts.
Keyword Blog Names
Keywords are words that specifically relate to your niche. They are also words that are frequently searched, and therefore are typically high ranking in search engines.
For example, when I chose the name for my food allergy blog I chose Best Allergy Sites because I knew it was a keyword people might search AND my blog listed all of the best allergy sites (allergy friendly products) available.
Keep in mind that search engines change their algorithms regularly. It used to be that keyword domains ranked higher. However, that’s not always the case currently. Therefore, don’t choose a keyword based name with the expectation of ranking higher.
In short, make sure that any power words, and keywords, you use relate to your niche, audience, and overall tone/writing style. For example, don’t use the word “witty” if you aren’t the humorous type. It will leave your readers confused.
Think About Your Social Media Handles
If you are going to start a blog, there’s a good chance that you’ll also want to promote your blog on social media. When choosing the perfect blog name, you’ll want to consider your social media handles as well.
Log into each social media platform to see if your example blog name is available. If it isn’t, you’ll want to think about whether there is another social media handle that will work. Or you may need to choose another cool blog name.
You’ll be happier in the long run if you are able to keep your blog name and social media handles consistent. This goes a long way to building your blog brand.
Researching Creative Names for a Blog
Once you’ve developed a creative blog names list, be sure to do an internet search for those particular blog name ideas.
- So you don’t duplicate what someone has already come up with.
- Because your unique name might have a completely different meaning.
Case in point. Years ago I started my first blog. (I think in 2009.) I was into green living and organic gardening. Therefore, I came up with the very creative blog name (or so I thought) Green Peony. Green for green living, and Peony because it is my favorite flower.
I was so happy with my name, and even more thrilled that the URL was available. I started blogging right away.
A couple of months in I did an internet search, for Green Peony, to see if my blog was ranking. Guess what I learned?
Apparently Green Peony is a type of tea. And people who were searching for Green Peony were looking for tea, not a blog on organic gardening. Who knew?
Anyway, I believe in making lemonade out of lemons and decided to write a post about Green Peony tea, as the topic was not too far off from green living and organic gardening.
My point is, don’t make the same mistake I did. Research your creative blog names before choosing one. Make sure the name you choose is not the same, or similar, to another blogger. (This will just confuse readers.) Make sure your name doesn’t mean something else, like my Green Peony example above. A simple internet search will go a long way to helping you determine if your blog name is available.
Try a Blog Name Generator
There are blog title generators, and there are even blog name generators.
A blog name generator will give you numerous creative blog names suggestions. Simply type in a few keywords and get an instant list of catchy blog names.
Some blog name generators to try are:
Name Generator: input adjectives and verbs that relate to your niche, as well as your name and where you live. Then get a list of inspirational blog names. One suggestion I got was Confessions of a Blogging Freak, which I think is pretty cool. Your URL in this case could be “Blogging Freak Confessions”.
Nameboy: input your niche, or keywords, and get a list of potential blog name ideas. The keyword “blogging” yielded results like “affordable blogging”, “blogging world”, and more. Use those ideas to search for new results.
Panabee: Panabee states that it works best with two words. I entered “affordable blogging” and got options like “affordablebloggity” and “afoblogging”. Panabee merges verbs and vowels, swaps words, and drop syllables to create cute blog names.
How to Change a Blog Domain and Blog Name
I feel that I should mention that once you choose and purchase a blog name, and domain name, it’s final. The URL you purchase cannot be changed. However, if you do change your mind; there are some workarounds.
Keep Your Blog Domain Name and URL
You can keep your blog URL and simply change the blog name on your website. This will work if your web address is a little bit generic, like a lifestyle blog name, or if it’s your name. However, you wouldn’t want to change your website name to Tammy’s Travel Tips and keep your URL In this case, you would want to purchase a new domain name. Unless you are super creative and cover eating while traveling. Then you could definitely merge the two.
Change Your Blog Domain Name and URL
You can change your blog name, and URL, by purchasing a new domain name. Then you can either start a completely new blog, and keep or leave the old one. Or you can upload your old blog content onto your new blog.
Please keep in mind that there is more work involved with uploading your old content to your new blog. You’ll want to consider redirecting the old blog pages to the new ones, and basically shut down the old blog. Otherwise, you’ll end up with potential duplicate content issues with search engines.
Creative Blog Name Examples + Cool Names for a Blog
It’s hard to give a list of names that will cover every topic or niche. You can see from my story above, the process that goes into choosing a creative blog name. However, you can use the additional tips below to see if you can come up with the blog name of your dreams.
Do an internet search for topics you plan to write about. Then take a look at the various blog name ideas you find. Which ones stand out to you? Why do you find them unique, or boring?
For example, I like names that are two simple words that start with the same letter. They just seem catchy and easier to remember.
- Perfect Parent
- DIY Diva
- Willow’s Writing
As mentioned prior, some bloggers have been successful with keywords and power words, like Pat Flynn from “Smart Passive Income”. His blog name is simple, easy to type, and flows. It doesn’t feel keyword stuffed. (Which is something you definitely want to avoid.) Some other examples are:
- Beginner Blogging Tips
- Money Making Mama
- Organic Gardening Guru
Try to avoid stop words in your URL. Stop words like “the”, “a”, “an”, and “in” are considered useless words from a search engine perspective. Plus they increase the length of your URL. While you can certainly use stop words in the title at the top of your blog, try to avoid them in your web address. Keep this tip in mind when coming up with your blog name.
Creative Blog Names Examples + Inspiring Blog Names List by Niche
Following are some already existing cool names for a blog. I’ve organized these example blog names by niche to make it easier for you. Use these inspiring blog name ideas to create your own cool blog names.
Food Blog Name Ideas
If you love food and/or love to cook, a food blog is the perfect niche for you. Following are some creative food blog names: Pinch of Yum, Smitten Kitchen, Cookie + Kate, Gluten Free Girl, Love and Lemons, Budget Bytes, Two Peas and Their Pod, Brown Eyed Baker.
Lifestyle Blog Names Ideas List
Not sure what you want to blog about? Do you love writing about lots of topics? A lifestyle blog might be the perfect niche for you. Here are some cool lifestyle blog names: A Cup of Jo, What the Chung, Ape to Gentleman, Thirteen Thoughts, Pumps and Iron, Positively Present, Where’s Molly, Katie Did What, Love and Loathing.
Photography Blog Names
If you are into photography, start a photo blog. Here are some unique photography blog names: Feature Shoot, PixSylated, The PhoBlographer, PhotoFocus, Click it Up a Notch, Fstoppers, Contrastly.
Beauty Blog Names + Makeup Blog Names
Beauty blogs are extremely popular. If you like to try new products and write reviews, you might be interested in creating a beauty blog or makeup blog. Here are some beauty blog names: A Model Recommends, Maskcara, The RaeViewer, Beauty Banter, She’s in the Glow, Beauty is Boring, I Covet Thee.
Fashion Blog Name Ideas
Love fashion? Do you follow fashion blogs? Consider starting your own. These are some catchy fashion blog names: The Sartorialist, Style Craze, Chronicles of Her, Girl with Curves, Hello Fashion, Lust for Life, One Dapper Street, Wide Eyed Legless, What My Boyfriend Wore.
Travel Blog Name Ideas
Travel blogs are super popular and can be a fun niche to work in. Here are some travel blog name ideas for those interested in starting a travel blog: The Wanderlust Project, Almost Fearless, The Blonde Abroad, Adventurous Kate, Amateur Traveler, Backpacking Matt, Borders of Adventure.
DIY Blogs Home Decor
If you are into DIY then you might want to start a do it yourself blog. Following are some popular DIY blogs: Apartment Therapy, Damask Love, Remodelaholic, Lovely Indeed, Paper and Stitch, PS I Made This, Vintage Revivals, Design Sponge.
Cool Craft Names
Crafting is a popular niche that lends itself to blogging. Crafting bloggers review products and share crafting projects and tips. Here are some fun craft blog names: Craft Gossip, CraftGawker, Tip Junkie, A Girl and a Glue Gun, Fave Crafts, Modge Podge Rocks, The Crafty Blog Stalker.
Money and Living on a Budget Blog Names
Money and finance blogs are big money makers. Everyone want to know how to save or make more. Following are some popular money and finance blog names: Wise Bread, The Simple Dollar, The Penny Hoarder, Budgets are Sexy, Making Sense of Cents, Careful Cents, Afford Anything, Debt Free Guys.
Health and Fitness Blogs
Health and fitness is another popular blog niche. If you are in shape, share your tips with others. These are some funny health and fitness blog names: Blogilates, Hungry Runner Girl, Fit Bottomed Girls, Carrots N Cake, Fitness on Toast, Breaking Muscle, Love Sweat Fitness, Run to the Finish.
Technological Blog
Whether you are thinking about a tech blog, math blog, or stem blog; there are a lot of cool technological blogs on the internet. Here are just a few tech blog names: TechCrunch, Wired, The Verge, Gizmodo, TechRadar, DigitalTrends, Mashable.
How to Check Your New Blog Name Idea
Hopefully, after reading this post, you have created your own creative blog names list. The next step is to see if your creative blog name is available. To do that you need to check domain availability.
Type your cool blog name in the box below and click the green availability button to find out!
I hope this post has given you some blog name inspiration. Have your own cool blog name ideas? Let us know in the comments section. And if you haven’t started your blog yet, make sure you check out my how to start blogging page. It’s full of a ton of resources to help you get your blog up and running.
This is wonderful thanks so much for your helpful advice i am going to try to do my blog thanks.
Hey Ruth! These are really cool ideas in choosing a blog name. Nice work!
Thanks Dustin for stopping by and commenting. As you know, choosing a cool or creative blog name can be difficult. 🙂