How to Write an About Me Page for Your Blog

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Learn how to write an about me page that will get readers hooked on your blog. Print my FREE about me page template and learn how to write about yourself.

How to Write an About Me Page

Writing an me page has to be one of the hardest tasks for bloggers. Do you keep it professional, or make it personal; and how personal is too personal?

This post covers how to write about yourself, as well as how to write creative about me pages that will get readers hooked on your blog. I also include an about me page template that will help you to get started.

How to Write an About Me Page

There are several things you want to consider when learning how to write about yourself.

  1. First person vs third person.
  2. Your audience.
  3. Your writing voice and tone.
  4. The title of your page.
  5. Your first sentence and paragraph.
  6. Photographs.

First Person vs Third Person

First person means using I in your sentences. Third person means using your name.

For example, I blog about writing, blogging, art, and design vs Ruth blogs about writing, blogging, art, and design.

Many people think that writing in the first person is more informal, while writing in the third person is more formal or professional. However, I don’t believe that is always the case. Especially when it comes to blogging.

Blogs are an informal style of writing to begin with. Your visitors likely read your blog because they like your voice, the connection they have with you, and the information you share. Writing an about me page in the third person may turn them off.

However, if your blog is more professional or more of a services based website; then you might feel more comfortable writing in the third person.

The choice is completely up to you and the style of your blog.

Consider Your Audience

Free About Me Page Template

The biggest mistake bloggers make is thinking their about me page is about them. Let that sink in for a moment.

While your about me page IS about you, it’s more about what you have to offer your reader. What can (and do) you provide for them, and what makes you an expert on that topic?

The reality is that most people don’t want to read about how old you are, how many kids you have, and where you have traveled; unless that information is relevant to your blog and niche. However, they do want to learn what your blog is about, what they can take away from it, and what makes you qualified to educate them on your niche.

For instance, if you have a parenting blog you might start off by saying:

My name is Jane and my goal is to teach you how to parent stress free. As a mom of four (two sets of twins) I’ve learned how to organize, prioritize tasks, and even make time for myself. At One Busy Mama I share all of my tips and tricks so that you can parent stress free too.

In the above paragraph Jane tells her readers that she is going to teach them how to live a stress free life. From the beginning, her readers know what to expect, and what they are going to get. She then goes on to share that she is a mom of two sets of twins. This personal tidbit of info is relevant and helps you to connect and empathize with her. It also tells you why she is qualified to help you.

Consider your niche, audience, and what it is that you bring to the table. Then put that at the top of your about me page. I cover this in more detail in the first sentence and paragraph section below.

Your Writing Voice and Tone

You may have heard the term writing voice. Your writing voice is how you come across and sound to your readers. Sometimes it can be a difficult thing for bloggers to nail down.

The key to finding your writing voice is to write naturally. Obviously you should have a good command of the language you are writing in, and your posts should be error free. However, you should never try to copy another blogger’s writing style. It will come across as forced and inauthentic.

It’s also important to determine how casual or professional you want to be. As I mentioned above, blogs are often a more casual form of writing. However, if that does not come naturally to you, don’t force it. On the other hand, you might be a super casual writer and even feel comfortable dropping an F bomb here and there. That’s completely fine, if it’s you. However, keep in mind that you may turn off some readers. It’s a choice you’ll need to make.

At the end of the day, just be you. Over time, and with practice, you’ll start to see your own voice emerge. And you’ll find a tribe of people who love your style and voice.

The Title of Your About Me Page

Writing an About Me Page

Lots of people title their about me page About, About (blog name), or About Me. I personally think you can get a little more creative than that.

My about page is titled About Ruth LovettSmith – Writer * Artist * Crafter * Designer. This gives you a little bit more detail about me AND it looks better on the page and in search engine results. I still have an About tab at the top of my website, that links to my page. I just choose to have a more detailed title.

If we take the One Busy Mama example above, Jane’s about me title might be: About One Busy Mama – Learning to Parent Stress Free.

Think about you, your blog, and what you want to say. Then incorporate it into your title.

Your First Sentence and Paragraph

The first sentence, and paragraph, of your about me page is what draws your readers in or makes them click away. This is where I would state what you bring to the table. Share what you do, why you do it, how you do it, and what your readers can expect to get.

Do you have a mission statement? Let your readers know.

For example: Welcome to One Busy Mama! My goal is to help you parent stress free. Believe me, it is possible! I’m a mom of two sets of twins, AND I run a full-time business. Over the years I’ve learned what to prioritize and how to organize. I’ve even learned how to make time for myself. I share all my tips and tricks in my blog and through my e-mail list. Sign up today and you’ll get access to a variety of printable templates to help YOU organize your home and life.

The above is just a rough idea of what to consider for your first paragraph. Remember, you can certainly share more personal information later on. Just make sure you hook your reader, from the start, with a great opening sentence and paragraph.

Include Photographs

Creative About Me Pages

There is nothing like a good photograph that tells readers who you are. Your photograph should look professional, but does not have to be taken professionally. There is a difference.

A professional looking photo is one that has good lighting, is cropped appropriately, and where readers can see your face. Whether you choose a close up head shot, full length photo, or somewhere in between is up to you.

If you run a parenting blog, consider a family photo. If you run a gardening blog, feature a photo of you in a garden or with flowers. The ideas here are endless.

If you are not comfortable with featuring a photo of yourself on your blog, don’t sweat it. Find another relevant photo option. Perhaps a piece of artwork, if you are an artist. Or a photo of a gorgeous cake you baked, if your blog is about baking.

Other Things to Include on Your About Page

You may want to include additional information on your about page.

  1. E-mail sign-up and opt-ins.
  2. Testimonials.
  3. Call to action.

E-mail Sign-ups and Opt-Ins

If you have an e-mail list, you may want to consider an e-mail sign-up box right on your about me page. And if you have an opt-in freebie, even better.

Don’t have an e-mail list? You should seriously consider starting one. An e-mail list is a great way to contact and connect with your readers. Over time you’ll start to develop a relationship and these readers will become your loyal tribe.


If someone has sent you an e-mail telling you how helpful your site, or blog post, or a product has been; that is a testimonial.

Ask that person if they mind if you use it on your blog. You don’t have to include their name. Or, you can use their first name only.

Testimonials are a great way to show that you are helping your readers and that you are an authority on your topic.

Call to Action

Your about page should have one call to action. It could be to sign up for your e-mail list, or it could be something else; like following you on social media or joining your Facebook group.

Either way, I would stick to one. More than one call to action will only confuse your readers. However, one strong call to action will likely yield you huge results.

Creative About Me Pages

How to Write About Yourself

There are a lot of creative about me pages on the internet. Simply do an internet search for about me pages. Some bloggers follow the rules that I’ve outlined above, and some are all over the place. The point here is to draw inspiration, from other blogs, to help you to draft your own page.

Heather Armstrong, from Dooce, doesn’t follow the rules, however her about me page is laid out in a unique way.

The Design Sponge about page is an example of a page written in the third person. More of a lifestyle website, than a blog, these days; you’ll find that the page has a more professional tone.

Tara, from Rad & Happy, uses great photography and gets right to the point in her opening paragraph. After reading her about me page, you completely know her vibe.

Darren Rowse, of Pro Blogger, has a great first person about me page. He is well known in the blogging world, yet still manages to keep things casual. He opens with what his blog is about and ends with an e-mail sign-up call to action.

Andrew Reifman has a somewhat simple yet creative about me page, which makes sense since he is a freelance designer and art director.

About Me Page Template

Now that you have an idea of how to write a great about me page; you can get started on drafting, or editing, your own.

I’ve created a printable about me page template to help you out. You can download it by clicking here.

Whether you go professional or casual, first person or third person; be sure to create an about me page that reflects you, your blog, and what you have to offer your readers.

I hope you’ve found this post helpful. If you did, please consider sharing it using the social sharing buttons below.

For more blogging tips and advice, don’t forget to check out my blogging tips page. Interested in learning how to make money blogging? Check out my guide on Professional Blogging.